IT Systems


How to choose keywords

In the narrow sense of the expression, keywords are search queries that are placed in the content so that the page participates in the issuance of them. Such a definition is not entirely correct. Therefore, we use a broader definition: keywords are words and phrases in the text content of the site and meta tags that describe the subject and content of the pages. With their help, the search engine understands which search queries users can find the relevant answer on a particular page of the resource.

Keywords as a ranking factor

First, a little history. At the dawn of the existence of search engines, the first algorithms focused only on the keys, determining the relevance of the content and generating the results of the issuance. Over time, more ranking factors influencing positions appeared, but the presence of the maximum number of keywords remained one of the main criteria for content. This continued until the release of the Google Panda algorithm.

10 years ago, content optimization was reduced to the maximum saturation of texts with keywords. Search engine algorithms perceived such content as more relevant. Naturally, the information content of the content suffered greatly, and textual descriptions almost 50% consisted of repeating word forms of search phrases.

Algorithms that determine the quality of content were complicated, supplemented by self-learning systems. Thus, SEO texts for search bots era has ended, and the time began for texts written for people.

What is the role of keywords now? She practically has not changed. Keys are still used by search engines to determine the subject and relevance of content. Only the approach to their use by optimizers and authors has changed; it has become more moderate.

Why keywords are important for SEO and business

So, we have already found out that keywords determine by what queries the site will participate in search results. If you use them correctly, you can cover the maximum number of user requests to increase traffic at times.

A structured list of all the keys on a site is called a semantic core. In the core, they are grouped by topic. Each group responds to some similar requests and is located on a separate resource page.

But there is a flip side to the coin. More is not better. The site must respond only to user requests relevant to its subject. It depends on how much traffic you manage to get. In the semantic core, it is important not to use the following types of keys:

  • names of goods and services that you do not provide;
  • mentioning manufacturers whose products you do not have;
  • names of competitor brands.
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